Nik Sharma Cooks

I was introduced to Nik through Pixel, my beloved part-time employer. When we began work together Nik was on Squarespace and was ready to move on to something that afforded him a bit more customization and the ability to grow the functionality of the site.

Enter WordPress and Elementor (and, of course, me.) With a little help from the brains at Pixel I got Nik set up on a site that allows for recipe filtering, dynamic content on his homepage, and a clear user-focused experience. His readers can now find exactly what they’re looking for amongst his literal hundreds of recipes.

This was a highly enjoyable and fulfilling project. I am grateful to have worked alongside Nik to help him realize his vision for his space.

Have a look below for more about Nik and some images of our work together or visit

I started my blog, A Brown Table, in 2011 when I was working as a molecular biologist (and attending public policy school) in Washington D.C.! Living and breathing academia drained my spirit, and I needed an outlet to get a mental and creative breather. There was no game plan or strategy. I just wanted to cook and share food. Funny enough, life had other plans for me. The blog grew and brought new opportunities. I learned how to style and photograph food and fell in love with it.
— Nik Sharma



George The Tech